Rethink the role of higher education institutions in shaping the economy. Marianne Snakers2022-02-08T11:40:02+01:00 Rethink the role of higher education institutions in shaping the economy.Marianne Snakers2022-02-08T11:40:02+01:00
La transformation numérique, élément crucial de la transition énergétique… Marianne Snakers2022-02-08T10:12:02+01:00 La transformation numérique, élément crucial de la transition énergétique…Marianne Snakers2022-02-08T10:12:02+01:00
A new challenge for Marketing and Innovation students Marianne Snakers2022-02-02T11:39:56+01:00 A new challenge for Marketing and Innovation studentsMarianne Snakers2022-02-02T11:39:56+01:00
HLBG – 2022 Edition : a student-led initiative, which challenges students Marianne Snakers2022-02-02T11:29:27+01:00 HLBG – 2022 Edition : a student-led initiative, which challenges studentsMarianne Snakers2022-02-02T11:29:27+01:00
Rennes BS Winter Session @HEC Liège Marianne Snakers2022-02-03T10:31:55+01:00 Rennes BS Winter Session @HEC LiègeMarianne Snakers2022-02-03T10:31:55+01:00
La Fresque du Climat à HEC admin2022-01-13T17:10:30+01:00 La Fresque du Climat à HECadmin2022-01-13T17:10:30+01:00
Formation au Développement Durable admin2022-01-05T12:09:34+01:00 Formation au Développement Durableadmin2022-01-05T12:09:34+01:00
Dassault Systèmes Challenge Marianne Snakers2022-01-17T09:38:25+01:00 Dassault Systèmes ChallengeMarianne Snakers2022-01-17T09:38:25+01:00
Explore a Foreign Market, Sustainable Portugal Mission 2021 Marianne Snakers2022-01-17T09:37:20+01:00 Explore a Foreign Market, Sustainable Portugal Mission 2021Marianne Snakers2022-01-17T09:37:20+01:00
Launching of the 1st Enactus Liège Team Marianne Snakers2022-01-13T17:11:06+01:00 Launching of the 1st Enactus Liège TeamMarianne Snakers2022-01-13T17:11:06+01:00