Some of Our Actions
Ethics, responsibility and sustainability (ERS) have been an important dimension in our activities for many years.
They are now transversal in terms of education, research and services to community.
Here are some of our achievements in terms of education.
2024 Campaign
In 2024, HEC launches its
Danc’IN Diversity campaign,
leading to the creation of a
Diversity Friends network

Sustainability and Transition: Action
ULiège devotes two ‘Sustainability and Transition’ mandatory credits in all its bachelor’s programmes. At HEC, we focus on raising awareness and taking action: the S’LAB participates in the launching of the programme, among other via the Welcome Sprint.

Impact Mission
The S’LAB participates in the design and the assesment of the HEC Entrepreneurs
IMPACT Mission.
Active and innovative teaching methods to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit.
2024 Theme: Sustainable Food

We are also proud of the
evolution of our campus
Some remarquable student’s journeys
Emma Wouters
HEC Liège Master in Management,
specialization in Management of Social and Sustainable Enterprises

Thank you HEC!
As a recent graduate, I can only be grateful to HEC for giving me the freedom to explore my passions and follow my convictions. By choosing a master’s degree in management of social and sustainable enterprises, I was able to align my studies with my desire to have a positive impact on the world. My adventure was also marked by concrete projects such as the creation of a network of sustainability ambassadors, carried out with the support of the Green Office and the S’LAB of HEC. These years have been rich in discoveries, encounters and learning, and today I feel ready to take on new challenges, inspired by the energy and opportunities offered to me by HEC, the Green Office and the S’LAB.
Emeline Baert
HEC Liège Master in Management,
specialization in Management of Social and Sustainable Enterprises
UN Climate delegate – Youth Forum

I think I am lucky. Lucky because I was able to invest myself in things that have meaning for me, and I believe that this is still rare, no matter what our age! Hec Liège allowed me to choose an option that gives me perspectives for the future but also perspectives of meaning. With the ULiege Green Office on the side, I was able to open up to many opportunities in line with my values (training, jobs, contacts, projects, international competitions, etc.) and above all to develop my skills in sustainable development.