Service to Community
Service to Community
HEC Liège is committed to responding to the transformational challenges of society.
This major concern for all is in total line with our mission, vision and values and we have been addressing it for many years, within our various fields of activity.
In order to achieve a more positive impact in terms of transition, we integrated societal transformation as a transversal pillar of HEC Liège, in accordance with our 2019-2024 strategic plan, devoting a particular attention to digital, entrepreneurial and ERS transformation.
The S’LAB is a service platform for the community and aims to encourage further integration of ERS issues into mentalities and practices, to raise awareness of the values of sustainable development among the entire HEC community (students, faculty, management staff and partners) and to foster a healthy and respectful environment, promoting well-being and responsible behavior.
Among other actions, the S’LAB provides services to the community through awareness-raising campaigns.
The new Danc’IN Diversity campaign has been running since the beginning of January 2024. Its aim is to raise awareness of the different forms of diversity and improve the level of inclusion at HEC, at all levels. Our ambition is to foster an excellent sense of belonging to our community, for each and every one of our members.

At the same time, the S’LAB proposes awareness-raising activities for members of its community, using the following tools in particular:

A unifying experience that brings people together around sustainability challenges, during 3 engaging sessions (2 hours each).
Gather a group of 8 and let’s check our agendas to organise a session for you.
Or see our calendar and join the next group.

Climate Fresk is a collective intelligence game, based on data taken from the reports drawn up by the IPCC (GIEC in French), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A fun and participative way to gain a better understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change.