About Us
Our Mission
HEC S’LAB is at the service of a sustainable transition through educating leaders
to rise up to our world’s complex ethical challenges,
to question solutions taken for granted and
to create value grounded in alternative models.
Our Vision
Our Promise
Our Promise
To federate the strengths of the HEC Community and to engage its expertises to accelerate a sustainable transition in our Society.
Our People
Our People
Aware of transition challenges,
each member of our Community
stands as an actor of change.
Our Strategy
HEC Research aims to foster active interdisciplinary collaborations around three transversal themes – sustainability, digital transformation and entrepreneurship – in order to generate transformative research with high impact on HEC’s strategic research fields and with a concrete influence on the socio-economic environment of the school.
Our Values
Through a quality education organized around the principles of academic freedom
and the freedom of scientific research and in line with the University Charter of Values,
the School embraces the following set of values, and so does the S’LAB.
These values serve HEC Liège mission and vision, as described here after: