On Monday February 19, HEC community gathered as a follow-up of the « HEC Labs & you » activity (see details here).
As an introduction, the S’LAB action plan was presented to the attending participants, showing the current status of our priorities, namely :
- Developing an impact fund,
- Building a network of transition ambassadors,
- Exploring the possibilities to achieve a sustainability report,
- Organizing a « project kot » on our campus.
Then, the participants were divided into three groups, each of which had the opportunity to brainstorm in order to operationalize ideas that emerged from the « HEC Labs & you » workshop. Here are the subjects they have been tackling :
- Project 1: Launch of a platform for sustainability-related activities,
- Project 2: What’s next for the STOP Waste campaign?
- Project 3: your choice of topics: digital sobriety with the Digital Lab, a new sustainable development OIC (Organism for Common Interest), investing in the ermerging Comm OIC, specializing our students in specific tools linked to sustainability, aspects linked to mobility, etc.