On Monday February 19, HEC community gathered as a follow-up of the “HEC Labs & you” activity (see details here).
As an introduction, the S’LAB action plan was presented to the attending participants, showing the current status of our priorities, namely :
- Developing an impact fund,
- Building a network of transition ambassadors,
- Exploring the possibilities to achieve a sustainability report,
- Organizing a “project kot” on our campus.
Then, the participants were divided into three groups, each of which had the opportunity to brainstorm in order to operationalize ideas that emerged from the “HEC Labs & you” workshop. Here are the subjects they have been tackling :
- Project 1: Launch of a platform for sustainability-related activities,
- Project 2: What’s next for the STOP Waste campaign?
- Project 3: your choice of topics: digital sobriety with the Digital Lab, a new sustainable development OIC (Organism for Common Interest), investing in the ermerging Comm OIC, specializing our students in specific tools linked to sustainability, aspects linked to mobility, etc.