Diversity & Inclusion
Launch of a Diversity & Inclusion campaign in 2024
End November 2023, at the initiative of the S'LAB, some thirty members of the HEC community are getting together to talk about diversity and inclusion.
Students, academics, scientifics and administratives gather and attend, as a first step, a training course:
"Managing Diversty & Inclusion, and bringing it to a strategic level"
by Louise Colling, PhD student in finance and law
Via brainstorming, ideation and vote by the members, we identified a roadmap and are now working in sub-groups to propose relevant actions to the wider community. We will soon be sending out a survey to finalize the priorities and actions that make sense for the community.
Since February, the group has grown stronger thanks to the arrival of interns from the S'LAB, International Relations and Communications departments.
Would you like to join us in this adventure?
Mail to: Marianne.Snakers@uliege.be
Update September 2024:
See information on our kick-off event, in April 2024 and the launching of the HEC Liège Diversity Friends Network.