December 12: final of the Nudge Challenge organized at HEC Liège
13 teams of students* presented the nudge they conceived, in order to stimulate more sustainable behaviors.
Two groups of students of HEC Liège were awarded for their hard work:
2022 best video, jury award
Congratulations to Sonja Brandmayr, Sarah Collin, Carla Estevez Alemany, Aurélie Fickers & Hajar Moujahid.
2022 best project, professors award
A nudge to stimulate the consumption of water rather than sodas among students of the university
Congratulations to Maha Abid, Malaika Furnémont, Pei-Chi Huang, Olga Kumskova & Jenny Miessen
A big applause and thank you to all students who work to make our world a better place 🌿

*This activity is part of the consumer behavior course – Master in Management, Bloc 2 – Prof. C. Delcourt